Aboriginal - Dancing, Singing & Fire Workshop - Sydney
Aboriginal - Dancing, Singing & Fire Workshop - Sydney

Aboriginal - Dancing, Singing & Fire Workshop - Sydney

Experience the Aboriginal culture with various indigenous dance forms across the country, interactive singing, dancing workshop with kids show watching how to make fire using traditional way.
Price : Aborginal Regular Workshop - $650.00 Aborignal Advanced Worksop with fire - $850.00 Aboriginal Didgeridoo, Singing and Dancing Workshop - $750.00 Aboriginal Art, Singing and Dancing Workshop - $800.00


Duration - 1hr 

Price - $650

  • 1 performer dressed in traditional Aboriginal outfit
  • 30 mins class of Dance and Songs
  • 20 mins performance as they will explore aboriginal dances from across the country
  • 10 mins of interactive Dreamtime story


Aboriginal Advanced Singing and Dancing Worksop with Fire

Duration - 1.5hrs 

Price - $850

  • 1 performer dressed in traditional Aboriginal outfit
  • 20-30 mins show of Indigenious way of making fire
  • 30 mins class of Dance and Songs for kids
  • 20 mins performance as they will explore aboriginal dances from across the country
  • 10 mins of interactive Dreamtime story

Aboriginal Didgeridoo, Singing and Dancing Workshop

Duration - 1.5hrs 

Price - $750

  • 1 performers dressed in traditional Aboriginal outfit
  • Kids will learn about and experience a didgeridoo show with master didgeridoo player ,
  • Exploring sounds of animals , stories and learning how we make a didgeridoo
  • Kids will be involved in a song and dance / dreaming story show - 1 and half hour show 
Aboriginal Art, Singing and Dancing Workshop

Duration - 1.5-2hrs 

Price - $800

  • 1 or 2 performers dressed in traditional Aboriginal outfit
  • Kids will explore Aboriginal art and indulge in making a canvas that will explore there journey and story ,
  • Each student will have a canvas / or we can do a large group one all together, 
  • Kids will be involved in a song and dance / dreaming stories show.